
Friday, February 22, 2013

100th Day and A Lesson Learned!

Today we celebrated our 100th Day of School!  It was such a FUN day!!!!  This was probably by far my most memorable day with the kiddies.  Several of them came up to me and said, "this is the best day of school EVER!"

Okay, now for the worst teacher part......we were having so much fun, I didn't take a single picture :(  Not one!  I know, how can I possibly be a blogger and not have any pictures of our day?!?!?!?  I was driving home tonight thinking to myself I can't believe I messed this up.  I had fabulous ideas of posting how we ate 100....a pretzel stick and two Fudge Striped cookies, how we wrote 100 words and filled in our 100 charts.  We had a pajama party to celebrate.  We stopped half way through the morning to dance on the carpet.  How could I have done this!!!  But then I realized I didn't fail.  I actually shared in the fun with my kiddies.  I enjoyed every minute of our celebration today.  I loved taking a step back and seeing how FAR they've come in 100 school days.  Some of my little ones couldn't struggled with writing their names.  Now they are writing 100 words! 

And the absolute BEST moment of my year so far happened today.  Since the first day of school I've had a little bugger darling who is a screamer.  Whenever he gets upset or doesn't have things go his way he opens up and SCREAMS to the heavens.  You can hear him miles away!  Needless to say this has been quite the challenge for me.  I've worked endlessly this year to help correct this behavior.  Well today, while this lil guy was writing his 100 words, he asked me when we are done school.  I told him we were done in June then he asked what happens to him after that. I told him he would go on to first grade.  I watched as his eyes filled with genuine tears.  He looked at me and said, "but Ms. Hill, I love you. I don't want to leave." heart just melted!!!!  He ran over, cried in my arms and gave me the biggest hug!  I don't think I've ever had a sweeter moment with my kiddies.

So, as I was driving home I realized if I was caught up in "capturing those moments," I might have missed the most important moment of the day.  I might have missed the moment to finally connect with this little guy in a way we haven't before.  I'm pretty glad I forgot to take those pictures.  Maybe I'll post some next year :)


  1. At least you have those pictures in your memory!
    Sounds like your students had a really great day!

    1. I will. They had a great time and so did I! Thanks for your comment!


  2. So so so true, Lori. We have become obsessed with capturing, documenting, sharing EVERYTHING in today's world. Sometimes we just have to let the moment happen, then let it go and keep it in our heart. That sounds like a day you will not soon forget, pictures or no pictures. Here's to more just like it!

    1. Thanks Juliea! It really was a day I'll never forget!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lori your story was wonderful!! Thank you sooo much for sharing. I'm so happy I found your blog and am a new follower!


    1. Thanks Khyrs! I have several of your products and love them! Thanks for following :)


  5. That is too unbelievably sweet. I would have been a puddle!! Doesn't it feel nice to know you are making a difference...especially with the ones that are still working on their school readiness/manners.

    Mrs. D
