
Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Activities

I am sitting here enjoying my 2nd day of Spring Break.  We only get Thursday, Friday, Monday off in my district which kinda stinks!  I am greatful for those days but it's hard to force yourself to relax and unwind.  It does kind of defeat the purpose!

Anywho, I wanted to post some pics of a few of our Easter activities.  I had ZERO time to prep for Easter activities.  On Monday, I did a really cute story/activity with the kids but forgot to take pictures before I sent them home.  I found a new book new book this year called "The Best Easter Eggs Ever" by Jerry Smath.
Best Easter Eggs Ever!

It was a cute story about young rabbits designing a new Easter Egg for the Easter Bunny.  I read this then followed it up with a cute, simple painting activity. I gave all of the students a blank template of an egg (I had one but you could easily draw your own.)  They all designed their own Easter Egg.  I couldn't believe how great they turned out.  Even those lil guys who still scribble and could care less about staying in the lines really put a lot of effort into it!

On Tuesday, we had no time for our theme activity but I managed to squeeze in another new book I got from Scholastic called "The Legend of Jellybean and the Unbreakable Egg" by Joe Troianta.  It's adorable!!!  By far one of my new favorites, and the kids loved it!  Next year, when I have more time, I will probably do a cute color-mixing activity with this book.

 Then on Wednesday, we did our Jellybean Egg-stravaganza!  Wednesday was all about Jellybeans!  It's a good thing I don't like Jellybeans or I would have been 10lbs heavier by the end of the day!

I got these cute activities from Simply Kinder.  I thought I had the greatest tip EVER to give to my loyal followers but I'm sure it's not original.  It's still a HUGE time saver though so I'll post it.

Before hand, I poured a bunch of bags of Jellybeans into a bowl and scooped them into plastic eggs.  All of the Jellybean activities we were going to complete were prepped just by doing this!  Well, actually my daughter did this for me but you get the point.  Super simple and the kids loved it!  It was so much easier then pouring a gazillion jellybeans into little cups for them.

I transported them to school in a cute little basket from Walmart ($.97)

First, they emptied their eggs and sorted by color.

Then they made Tally marks for each color (Sorry, can't get the pics to rotate....UGH!)
Then we graphed each color.
I know this activity is in no way original but it is always a HUGE favorite for my kiddies. They get to eat the Jellybeans when they are done.  I also let them keep the eggs.  One of my kiddies replied, "we get to keep it FOREVER!"  Gotta love them!
I am currently working on a cute Farm Unit since our field trip to the farm is next Friday.  Can you tell trying to keep my head above water I'm a little behind right now!  Stay tuned for that...should be posted by the end of the weekend.
I'd love to hear about any fun activities you did with your kiddies.  Post your comments below.  Have a great weekend!


  1. Thanks for the egg filling tip. We did some work station activities with plastic eggs and mini erasers for addition. I also picked up some cute see through carrot shaped eggs and put a die in them for a roll and cover activity. I also put magnet letters and pictures in eggs for CVC word work.

    It's "OWL" Good in Kindergarten

    1. I looked everywhere for cute little manipulatives for math games. I couldn't find anything this year! I think because of how Easter fell this year the stores weren't as well stocked as in previous years. I was so bummed!
