
Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday Fun and a FREEBIE!

I have to say that coming off of last week I wasn't sure how this week would go.  We had to change our schedule with our fifth grade because they were taking state testing.  As you can imagine, Kindergartener's do NOT adapt quickly to change in routine!   Well to my surprise, it turned out to be a fairly decent week.  Today was by far the best.  We celebrated our first Friday Fun-Day!  Read all about it here.

Anywho, I've been feeling bad about not posting a freebie lately.  And let's be honest.....can any blog post that begins with a freebie actually be a bad post?  I think not!  So here it's nothing fancy but a cute activity for your Math Center.

Provide students with one or two dice and a marker/counter (jellybeans would be cute.)  Students roll the die/dice and hop that many spaces.  Just click on the picture to download your freebie!

I've been busy prepping my center activities for next week and wanted to share some of them with you.

In my Math Center I have the following activities for next week:

My students have just started working on Base Ten blocks.  We are working mainly on the teen numbers but some of my smarties need a bigger challenge.  Students have to match the base ten blocks to the corresponding number. 

This one is my favorites!  These cards are for addition practice and they are tiered for differentiating.  I have students on all three levels right now so I really like that everyone will feel a sense of accomplishment.  I put these cards in the center with expo markers, magic erasers (for cleaning) and various counters including an abacus.  The kids love these activities!
These two activities are in my Spring Math Activities product which you can access by clicking HERE.

In my ABC Center, I am finally leaping into the new millenium (13 years later!) I made a game I like to refer to as a common game I can't say because of copyright violations / Word Board for the kids.

I love and hate this product!  I love it because I personally am a wordie!  I love word games, building words, putting words together, scrambling words....well, you get the point.  I unintentionally very purposefully intrigued my students by putting the board out this week.  We aren't going to start using it until Monday but they are dying to know what it's for.   The hate part comes in because I hate the way I placed the letters on top.  I really should have placed the letters closer together instead of trying to be fancy!  Oh well, live and learn.  I have all the letters printed, laminated and ready to go!  And yep, you guessed it......I'm giving it to you!  Click here to download the PDF.  Hope you enjoy!

This next activity is one of my personal favorites as well. My kiddies this year REALLY struggle with vowel sounds.  I just finished up our DIBELS testing and thought they would do really well since we've practiced soooooo much...../u/, /u/, up!  Well they didn't.  I don't think they even remembered any of it.  I was frustrated.  I needed something to help them practice.  I created this self-checking vowel set and I absolutely LOVE it.  My kiddies are finally picking up on that important medial vowel sound.  Can I get an Alleluia!

This is everything you will need for this center.  I have EXPO markers in the center with Magic Erasers from the Dollar Store.  They really are magic when erasing marker from lamination!

I made them self-checking by writing the word on the back of the card.
This is my Vowel Practice Cards set.  There are 30 cards in this set (color and black and white.)  To download this product click here or click the pictures.  
 Well thanks for hanging out for this looooooong post.  I've been trying to photograph as much as possible in my classroom so I can share it with you!

What are some things you have in your centers this week?

1 comment:

  1. I love that freebie!! Your tiered math looks awesome- its so nice to know you are meeting all the students needs and when it can be done in centers it makes me even happier!

