
Thursday, March 21, 2013

"Some Bunny" Linky Party!

I have a confession to make.  I'm not proud of it but it is part of who I am today.   I used to view blogging as another "chore."  GASP you say!  I know, I know, it's a disgrace.  But my dear friends, I dare not hang my hang in shame any longer.   I have grown to LOVE this lil ole blog of mine.  I love that I have new followers.  I love checking out other people's blogs.  I love the ability to share thoughts, ideas and products that I have found useful or inspiring!

So, to celebrate some of this love, I decided to join in on a cute linky party going on called, "Some BUNNY loves your blog!" 

When I decided I wanted to start featuring guest bloggers, I knew instantly who I wanted to be my FIRST blogger.  I love, love, love the useful tips and ideas this blogger shares.  I first "cyber-met" Miss Martin from Miss Martin's Classroom on the TpT Forums.  We always seemed to be answering the same posts with the same answers.  I knew I wanted her to guest blog (and Deanna was busy that Tuesday......just kiddin!  I crack myself up!) 

If you follow my blog, then I would definitely recommend following her blog as well.  She has some really great ideas and products to share.  Go head on over and give Miss Martin a little Bunny-love!