
Friday, October 11, 2013

Halloween Activities

Hi All!

It's been a while since my last post.  My district bought a new reading curriculum this year so everything I've made for my Kinders went out the window!!!  We are now using the Superkids curriculum which I both like & dislike.  I hate scripted programs so I'm not a big fan of that part.  I do, however, like that each student is starting from the basics.  The program incorporates reading & writing so even my kiddies that know their letters and letter sounds are getting MUCH NEEDED writing practice.  They are also building their confidence in working with each letter sound. 

Unfortunately, we only learn one letter at a time so it is slow moving to say the least.  We've learned three letters so far (I'm used to teach 12 sight words by this point.)  The upside is I feel like I have almost ALL of my students on the same page which is quite an achievement.  I have one little who is still not picking up on the sounds but I'm working with her.

SOOOO, with all that being said, I've been scrambling to create new games / activities for my kiddies to do.  Almost all of my previous games were based on Sight Words (Dolch.)  I am no longer allowed to use them because we are required to use Superkids with "fidelity."  (I have come to HATE that word!)

Here are some new Halloween-themed products I've made up for my kiddies.  The first is a Missing Letter / Number center activity that is Common Core Aligned.

You can provide students with magnetic letters or numbers to fill in the blanks.  I prefer to give my kids Expo markers to fill in the missing numbers / letters.  It gives them the additional writing practice.

The second activity / product I made is The Ultimate Halloween Pack which also some great center activities. 

This product includes a few Roll & Record activities, Number Sequencing, Letter Matching and One-to-One Correspondence activities.  There are also some Classroom Management Goodies for you :)

Both products can be downloaded through TpT by clicking on the picture.  I hope you enjoy, and keep checking back for new, updated products!

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