
Monday, November 4, 2013

Daily Schedule & Interactive Writing Journal

I'm linking up with TGIF: Thank God It's First Grade to share our schedule's.  I love to see how other teachers, especially those in the same grade level, organize their day.  I teach full-day Kindergarten and have 25 students (tooooo many!)  I'm a little bit limited in where my Reading & Math block fall because some of our students get pulled for intervention during those times.  I have to say, I got a TERRIBLE schedule this year.  My afternoons are wayyyyy too long for little kiddies to be in the classroom!  Since September, I've gotten creative about how to manage that time.  My schedule is below:

We work on a six-day rotation in our school which allows for 6 different specials classes.  In addition to the traditional classes, we offer S.T.E.M. which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.  The kids love this class and the teacher does lots of fun activities with them!

In the afternoon, my kiddies get a 15 minute recess.  By the time we get jackets on, get out to the playground, etc. it's really more like 10 minutes.  They are spent by that point in the day so it's always a challenge.

I like to make a lot of fun and interactive activities for them to keep them engaged.  I am SO proud of the newest product I made.  It's called Interactive Writing Journal.  Now, this is by no means a "new concept" but it is different from those you may have seen.   Products that are geared toward a particular grade level can be perfect......depending on the product.  Typically, when I purchase a product, I know it will reach about 2/3 of my students.  There are always going to be the high-level students for whom it is too easy, and the lower-level student who just won't get it.

That being said, I knew I wanted to make my Interactive Journal something that would incorporate more than one grade level.  The product I made covers the writing standards for the Common Core for grades 1 through 3.  This product has over 90 pages of interactive writing work for your students.  And, believe it or not, there are many pages in this product that I use regularly with my Kinder's!  It really reaches a wide audience and variety of students.

This product covers:
    * Simple writing prompts
    * Complex writing prompts
    * Character Study
    * Story Details
    * Story Sequencing
    * Opinion Writing templates
    * Informative Writing templates
    * Personal Narrative templates
    * Generating Ideas graphic organizers
    * First Draft organizer
    * Second Draft organizer
    * Final Draft organizer
    * Essay Template

Here are some sample pages:

Click on the picture to download the huge preview!  As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me!  Thanks!

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