
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thankful Link-up.......AND 1 follower away from 100!!!!

I have extra reason to be thankful tonight....I am one follower away from 100!!!!  I never felt right soliciting followers.  I always wanted it to be natural, people following my blog because they WANT to.  So hopefully, if you're reading this, you meant to hit that follow button :)  And please know, I truly appreciate it!

So anywho, onto the real business!

Today is the third day of the Blog Hoppin' Thankful linky party. Today's theme.....Activities Like...... (add related words here.)

So my title is Activities like this......Make Me SMILE!

Each year, we have a November family project where the students decorate a Turkey to disguise him so we don't eat him on Thanksgiving.  Let me tell ya, the projects each and every year are a HOOT!  Just take a look......

Not quite sure what this one's supposed to be
but it sure is adorable!
Seriously?!?!?!?  I can't believe those glasses and purse!
I'm thinking butterfly / princess / fairy!
A ladybug turkey!  How stinkin' cute!
My second favorite activity is a favorite because I JUST LOVE FALL!!!!  I know when we are working on this project that Fall is in full swing!  Again, this is one I do with my kiddies every year and they love doing it! 

These activities are easy enough for the kids to do themselves but helps to strengthen their fine motor skills ripping all that paper.  We talk a lot about fall, the colors we see and how trees change in the fall.  This is a culminating activity.
Well, that's it for today!  I hope you enjoyed.  And who knows, maybe if I reach 100 followers I throw a HUGE sale or giveaway a free product or something jazzy like that!  Stay tuned!
Definitely "hop" on over to Blog Hoppin' to see all the other great activities posted.  See you tomorrow for .......I'm not giving it away.  You have to come back again tomorrow :P



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