
Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

I can NOT believe Christmas Break is almost over!  I've been sick for most of it too :(   My man generously gave me his head cold.  It's progressively gotten worse each day. Today, my back hurts so bad from coughing and sneezing!  Didn't keep me from running out to the book store though :)  Got some new books for my kiddies with some of the gift cards they gave me for Christmas. 

Stay tuned.....I'm working on a really cute "Arctic Animals" unit.  Getting SUPER excited with each page I make :)

Okay, New Year's Resolutions.....can you tell I'm a procrastinator when it comes to this?!?!?!  I am linking up with a lot of AMAZING bloggers out there on this linky party.  We are listing both a personal resolution and a blogging resolution, so here it goes..........

   This will be the year of personal and financial focus for me (sounds like a Chinese New Year ~ The year of the dragon :)  This year I want to lose LOTS of weight. I've neglected myself for way too long.  I just had knee surgery in October which was to blame for not being able to exercise but NO MORE! 

   I also want to really get my finances in order.  This whole "fiscal cliff" thing scares me!  I have a daughter going into college next year and a son who is a freshman in H.S.  I am a single mother to them and therefore, mainly responsible for their financial well-being.  I want to take the necessary steps to make my money work for me instead of the other way around. 

   I definitely want to add more to this blog.  My first goal is to get my camera charged and start taking pictures of some of the cute things I made for little to no money.  There are great resources out there and I'd like to share them with you.  Second, I want to focus on making more FREEBIES!!!  I mean, c'mon, who doesn't like free stuff (other than that baby on the commerical)?

If you want to link up to this, head on over to The Teacher's Cauldron by clicking on her button below:


  1. I loved reading your resolutions! I really liked that you want to post more freebies because I am a first year teacher and need all the help I can get! I am also a single Mom and fiscally frightened! I am now your follower. :)

  2. Hi Carrie, Yes, I'm definitely working on more freebies. I have several in my TpT store already ~ just click the TpT link above. I'll post more here as well. Good luck!
