
Saturday, December 29, 2012

MLK Day Activities

I am very excited about this new creation.  I've been working on this one for the last two days (gotta love holiday "breaks.")  Anyway, I wanted to create something practical yet useful to celebrate MLK day with my kiddies.  I ended up creating a few things, lol.

First, I really wanted something FUN for them to do and relate to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's message.  The idea of peace and caring is sometimes VERY difficult for Kinders to understand.  So I wanted to create a game that they would enjoy playing but would still get the "message."  Here it is....

This game is designed for a small group such as a Literacy, Math or Theme center (2-4 players.)  Students use a bingo chip or other small marker and one die.  For my kiddies, this activity reinforces one-to-one correspondence for counting and being able to count numbers on a die.  Students land on spaces such as "Give your friend a compliment" or "Shake hands with a friend."    I can't wait to play this with my kiddies!

I bundled this game board with a story I WROTE!  I looked everywhere to find something that would explain what MLK believed in but something that wasn't over their heads.  Needless to say, I couldn't find I wrote my own.  I guess that means I'm an author now :)  This story is a child-friendly story called "A Boy Named Martin."  I wanted the children to be able to relate to MLK's message of peace in a practical, kid-friendly way.  This story is about MLK as a young child, just like them. 

To download the entire bundle just click HERE.

I also created another original story to serve more as an Early Reader.  This too, has MLK's message in child-friendly language.  This story could serve as a Guided Reading or Daily 5 book for the Early Reader.  To download the early reader story (game board is not included in this product) just click HERE.

Okay, off to work on some lesson plans, have dinner with my man and some organizing tonight :)  Hope you are having a restful Winter Break!


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