
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Time to Organize

Warning......LONG post :)

I woke up this morning feeling very relaxed after spending the holiday with family.  My own children are teenagers now so it has been a BIG adjustment for me to realize Christmas is changing for my family.  No more waking up at the crack of dawn, tearing through wrapping paper to find that desired toy.  Christmas morning is now sending the dogs in to their bedrooms at 10:00am, begging them to wake up or we'll be late for the family party!  Now I've had at least two cups of coffee before we get started, lol.

The day after Christmas has always been one of great determination for me.  I guess it's because I'm not running around making plans for school or gathering crafts for those million holiday projects anymore.  The holiday shopping is done.  The decorations are already up.  The cookies are already baked and eaten.  I wake up this day knowing it is time for ME.  A time to tackle all of those projects swirling around in my head since September.  A time to regroup and refocus on my classroom.  A time to reflect on what is working and, more importantly, what ISN'T!  This is my favorite day!

I was given a brand new classroom in September, which is truly the "penthouse" of the building.  The space is huge and bright!  The only problem is that everything had to be ordered (desks, bookshelves, etc.) for this new space and didn't arrive until 2 hours before Kindergarten Orientation.  Needless to say, it was a race to get everything set up before the kiddies arrived.  Now is the time I want to reflect on the space and get to all those things I didn't have time for in September.  A HUGE item on my to-do list was my  "Sub Tub."  Fortunately, I haven't had to call out on short notice but we all know it can happen.  I've been wanting to set up my tub for those emergencies just in case.  I had a document I made a while ago that I've wanted to update.  Well, ta-da!  Here it is......

There are 13 pages in this document.  Included are:
     * Student Information Cards
     * Important information for the sub (i.e. Grade partners, Fire Drill
        procedures, Attendance routines, etc.)
     * An entire page for plans for Reading/Literacy, Math, Science,
        Social Studies,Word Work, Guided Reading and a blank page for
        your own editing)
I created this product with a black-and-white polka dot & purple color scheme.  I absolutely LOVE it and can't wait to set mine up.  My tub will be sectioned off for each subject.  I plan to have "emergency" work in each category and filler-activities in case of extra time.  I hope find this useful!  To download this product click here.

Another product I finally finished is a Classroom Starter Pack.  This product includes everything you need to set up your classroom (in September or mid-year) or to spruce it up.  The pack includes:

   * A complete calendar set ~ Number cards, Months  of the Year,
      Days of the Week, Today is, Yesterday was, etc. cards (all blue
      with apple clipart),
   * Two behavior management posters
   * Ten Frame posters (1-10)
   * Daily Schedule cards
   * Center signs
   * Bin labels

I am willing to color customize this project......but only for my AMAZING blog followers :)  If you have a particular color-theme in your classroom, let me know.  If you need specific Center signs or bin labels, no problem.  Download the product and e-mail me at and I'll be glad to update the file and e-mail it back to additional cost!

Here is the link to download this product..... {Classroom Starter Pack

I hope you enjoy these products.  If you are looking for a specific product that I don't have posted, please comment below and leave your e-mail.  I will gladly work on it for you!


  1. Both of your products look awesome! I too have spent my day trying to figure out what I can do to make my classroom even better for my kinder kids! Enjoy the rest of your break!

    Karmens Kinders

  2. This looks like a fantastic resource. I'll be supervising Kindergarten teachers in the New Year - a new position in a new school. I'll be encouraging the Pre-grade teachers to follow you for ideas.

    Thanks for your continued contributions. I look forward to seeing what you have for 2013!

    Janet |

  3. Thanks so much Janet! If they have any questions tell them to leave them here :)
