
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

MLK Activities

In the land of Kindergarten, we have been discussing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as our theme for the week.  On Monday, we read "A Boy Named Martin" from my MLK Bundle product.  It is an age-appropriate way to explain the beliefs of MLK to 5/6 year olds.  They really seemed to get the message!  This was the first year I focused on this early reader instead of the MLK biography we normally read.  I found that by making a book about a child their age (Martin) they would be able to relate better.  On Tuesday, they colored the images in the book.

Today was the best day yet!  Today, we started by recalling what we learned about MLK.  I showed the kids 2 eggs, 1 brown and 1 white.  We discussed all the ways the eggs were different.  Then, I cracked the eggs open to show the kids they were exactly the same on the inside.  This seemed to be very powerful to them.  I saw so many "lightbulbs" going off ~ it was great!

Finally, we discuss and signed our Peace Pledge (also in my MLK Bundle.)  We promised to use kind words and treat others as we wanted to be treated.  While everyone signed the pledge, I gave the kids the bracelets I made.  They LOVED them!  Here are some pics.

Funny side note:  I allowed the kids to decorate their bracelets however they liked.  One of my lil cuties colored his the same colors as the Philadelphia Eagles football team.  As he showed me he said, "I colored mine like the Eagles.  I really like them but my dad said they suck."  Trust me, it was almost impossible to keep a straight face!!!!   

Hope you are having a great week!


  1. Found your blog through the forum! It looks like you have some great ideas!! I am your newest follower!

  2. Thanks so much Carrie! I'm trying hard to get this lil ole blog off the ground! Thanks for following!
