
Monday, January 21, 2013

Writing Conference Forms

Happy Monday!  I had visions of spending this extra day off relaxing, sipping my coffee, checking out my favorite blogs and just relaxing.  Instead, I had a hectic day running around trying to transfer a car to my daughter from my future in-laws.  All I can saw is GEEZE, what a day!

Anyways, as I was gearing up for tomorrow I went through some of my notes from last week.  If you read some of my earlier posts, my kiddies are a VERY smart group this year but they had zero very limited writing skills.  I definitely had my work cut out for me.  We use the "Being A Writer" program which I really do love but it leaves little free time to work on how to actually build sentences.  We do get "open weeks" in this program which definitely helps.  Last week was an open week so I was able to conference with each student.  We looked through their journal and together decided what they were doing well and what goal we would set for them.  The goals ranged from writing "2 thumbs up" sentences (start with an uppercase, end with a period) to actually writing words in their journal.  A few of my darlings get so caught up in the illustrations they forget to do any writing!  Guess I know who my spatial kiddies are :)

Click picture to download

I wanted to share with you what I use to keep track of writing conferences.  It's a SUPER SIMPLE form that anyone can make.  I figured if I already have it done I might as well share it with you.  And I couldn't just share ONE form so I added two more.  I hope one of them will suit your needs.  Enjoy :)


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