
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Interactive Math Journal

Happy Saturday! 

I wish I could say I slept in today...... but no.  I had this horrible (ridiculous) dream All.....Night.....Long!  Don't you just hate when that happens?!?!

So anywho, it was a rough week for me so I am SUPER happy the weekend is here!  Can I get an AMEN!

I was up really late last night.  I'm talking teenager late.  I'm talking 3AM late.  My body does not normally see that hour of the night anymore so it was something special.

I was working really late to finish up my latest product that I am SOOOOOO proud of (if I do say so myself!)  I've been working the last few weeks on this puppy so I feel like it's my baby.

I wanted to use Interactive Journals in my class this year.  I've seen them all over TpT and Pinterest but couldn't really find what I wanted for Kindergarten.  What's a girl to do?  Yup, make one!

So I started by looking at those dredded lovely Common Core Standards and off I went.  There is such a huge push for CC these days that I wanted to make sure this product was chock-full of them.....and boy oh boy is it!  In fact, once I got started it was hard to stop!  This puppy turned out to be 171 PAGES!

Since it's Kinder, I also wanted to make it F.U.N.!  So I added lots of cute graphics for coloring and extending lessons.  Here is the result......

Sooooo many skills are in this product. Skills included are:

  * Reference pages (Hundreds Chart, Daily Weather Log,
    Days of the Year, Date Writing, etc.)
  * Exploration of the Numbers 1 - 20 (3 lessons per number)
  * 2-Part Patterns
  * 3-Part Patterns
  * Size Comparison lessons (length)
  * Quantity Comparison
  * Estimation
  * Addition & Subtraction
  * Decomposing Numbers through 10
  * Adding through 10
  * Number Stories

  * ........and SO much more!

Decorative Journal Cover for students to personalize
Learning Objectives in kid-friendly language
and Big Idea's provided for each lesson,
along with Common Core Standard
Extenion activities provided at the
bottom of lessons.
Interactive flap pages for self-checking.  Scissors graphic
shows where to cut and Stop Sign shows where to stop.
Multiple samples and strategies are provided.

As you can see from the images, lessons and activities are 2 per page for less use of paper.  Using half the page allows for additional practice for students.

Students will use number lines, ten-frames, tally marks, counting strategies and more!  An index at the beginning of this product allows you to print what you need in the order you need it.

I hope you enjoy this product!  If you have any questions about it, please leave me a comment below or e-mail me at  Thanks so much!

P.S. Just click any of the pictures to download this product today!

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