
Sunday, November 17, 2013


Morning!  Well, afternoon really.  I don't know how it is I can wake up early on a Sunday so I can get computer work done and STILL be sitting here at 1 o'clock!

Please tell me this happens to you too!

Okay, so last night I decided to make a cutesy version of a game my kids L.O.V.E.! 

Every year!

Different Kids!

They ALL love it!

It's a game called ZAP!  It helps students practice number sequence.....but don't tell them that!  It's really simple to play.  You can play with 2-4 players.  I try to group them by ability level.  You'll see why in a minute.

You place the pile of cards in the middle of the table face down.  The first player chooses a card and tells the missing number.  If they are correct, they keep the card.  If not they return the card to the pile.  The next player goes.  Play continues until someone flips a ZAP! card.  That player must return all of their cards to the pile.

Did I mention they LOVE this game?

It's so simple and yet educational.

Now, onto the ability level thing.  The cards are printed in groups of 10......0-10, 10-20, 20-30, etc. all the way to 100.  For my kiddies still getting their footing on numbers, I give them the 0-10 set.  For those smarty pants I go much higher and mix the cards.  I generally put 2 ZAP! cards in for each group of 10 cards.

Here are a few pics for those visual learners such as myself!
Each level of 10 is color coded.
I saved the best for last........I'm offering it FREE!  Yep, you heard that right!  Just click on the picture above to download this baby.
Have a great Sunday!!!

P.S. If you like my products and freebies, please follow my page and my TpT Stores to get my latest offers!

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