Friday, November 23, 2012


I know I've been posting a lot about activities I've made.  I'm trying to build up my TpT Store before the holidays!  We just finished report card conferences this past week.  I try to offer a wide variety of hours because a lot of my parents work full-time.  It does make for very long days but the bonus for me is I get time in between to work on my room.

I am in a brand new classroom this year which I refer to as "the penthouse."  I have a HUGE room and all new furniture.  The problem was my furniture didn't get delivered until the very last minute in August so I didn't have a lot of time to get things set up.  I made sure the kids activities were where they needed to be but my things just got shoved onto shelves.  I like to think of myself as a very organized person so this has been driving me crazy!!!!  It was sooooo nice to have organization time this past week.

The biggest thing that was bothering me were my shelves and library (my personal library.)  It felt great to get everything neat and organized.  I had a ton of books all mixed up.  I used magazine boxes to organize by month/theme/author. 

I hate when I want to read a book or do an activity and I can't find what I need.  Now, everything is neat and tidy!  I also tackled my binders.  As teachers, we collect sooooo many papers and resources.  Now I have everything filed nice and neat (can you read O.C.D.)

Today's project is to work on some of my anchor charts to get them updated.  Will post when done.  Hope you're having a nice break!



  1. Hi! What an adorable blog!

    I nominated you for the Liebster Award as well...hopefully it will get you some more followers! See my blog for more info if you are interested!


  2. Thanks SO much Meg! Off to check out your blog.


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